
Hi everyone I’m Bob from NXTGEN Energy and today I will be taking you through how to reconnect your Growatt datalogger to the ShinePhone Monitoring App.

This how to guide is useful if your Growatt Inverter has lost communication with the ShinePhone App maybe because you have just changed your Broadband provider and your wi-fi details have changed, which is a very common situation for users of the Growatt Inverter and ShinePhone App.

How to modify Wi-Fi settings on the Growatt ShinePhone App

Step 1 – ShinePhone Account

You will need to have a ShinePhone account already and if you don’t have one already set up by your installer you can create one for free by registering on the ShinePhone App.

Growatt ShinePhone App Dashboard

Step 2 – Login

Once you have a ShinePhone App account and you’re logged into the app the dashboard screen will come up, the screen will show current power as 0kWh if the datalogger is offline you will also see ‘Online Device’ is ZERO.

Growatt ShinePhone App Plant Screen

Step 3 – Plant

To start the configuration select PLANT at the bottom of the Dashboard Screen the PLANT screen will usually display the Growatt Inverter data including the amount of energy the solar panels are generating, your load consumption and other data from the inverter.

When the logger is disconnected the data won’t be up to date. If you haven’t added a datalogger to your plant already the plant screen will ask you to add a datalogger.

Step 4 – Datelogger

The datalogger is the dongle that is attached to the underside of your Growatt Inverter. It looks like a very large USB stick with an LED light on it. It is marked with a red box in the photo below.

Growatt Inverter Datalogger Dongle

When you select Add datalogger a barcode scanner will come up using your smartphone camera. Use that to scan the barcode or QR Code on your datalogger dongle. You can also enter the serial number from your datalogger dongle manually if you have any issues with scanning the barcode or the QR Code. The serial number is usually on the back of the datalogger dongle.

Step 5 – Reconfigure Datalogger

If you have a datalogger dongle added already to your ShinePhone App and you just want to reconfigure the connection, for example if your Broadband provider has changed or your wi-fi connection has changed. On the PLANT screen select the plus sign [+] at the top right of the screen and that will give you the options of Plant management, Add datalogger, datalogger list, and Optimizer.

Growatt ShinePhone App Reconfigure Datalogger

Select the datalogger list to show the current list of dataloggers that you have added to the ShinePhone App previously. You can see on the next screen that the datalogger that was previously added is currently offline.

Growatt ShinePhone App Datalogger List

Simply click on the datalogger to bring up the options of what you can do to the datalogger. Select configure datalogger to reconnect the datalogger. When you select configure datalogger it will take you to the next step which you will get two options the standard mode and the hotspot mode the hotspot mode is what we’re going to use today to reconnect our datalogger.

Step 6 – Hotspot Mode

So to continue select ‘Hotspot Mode’ for the next step it will ask you to short press the datalogger dongle button to enter the hotspot mode. The datalogger dongle button can be found under the bottom of the datalogger or on the front of it and it’s labelled ‘KEY’ the little button might be covered by a plastic cover to protect it from accidentally being pushed. You will have to take off the plastic cover using a small thin screwdriver and use your finger or a pen to push the little button. You have to make sure you have a solid blue LED light on the datalogger dongle before you can proceed to the next step on the ShinePhone App.

Step 7 – Wi-Fi Network

The next step requires you to connect your phone’s Wi-Fi to the network of the datalogger. You may get a pop-up on the ShinePhone App stating that the name of the connected Wi-Fi is different from the name of the datalogger dongle serial number. Select ‘Go to set >’ which will take you to your Wi-Fi settings select and connect to the datalogger dongle serial number you are trying to configure. The SN (Serial Number) and the Oxford name should be the same both must have the serial number of the datalogger you’re trying to connect to.

Select ‘Next’ this is where you will add your Wi-Fi network settings. Click ‘Go to set >’ to select your Wi-Fi Network if it’s not already in the box. You might also be able to enter it manually if you can’t see the list or your Wi-Fi Network is not on the list. Enter your Wi-Fi password and make sure there are no spaces or special characters in your password, the password box is also case sensitive.

Step 8 – Configuration

Once your Wi-Fi username and password is entered select ‘Configure immediately’. The configuration process should begin immediately and once the process is completed it will tell you if your configuration was successful or if it failed. If the configuration was successful you can return to the ‘power plant ‘Power Plant’ Screen to see if your solar panel system is now getting data from your Growatt Inverter.

You can also confirm the solar panel system is back online by going to the datalogger list as we did earlier in the instructions to see if the datalogger is now showing us online.

If your configuration failed you might have to retry the process. Common reasons for it to have failed include putting in the wrong password, your password having a special characters or spaces in them and your Wi-Fi Network not being on 2.4 gigahertz frequency.

If these steps don’t resolve the issue, consider watching tutorial videos for a more visual guide on using the ShinePhone app and troubleshooting common problems. Additionally, you can reach out to Growatt customer support for further assistance.

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Growatt ShinePhone App User Manual Download

The purpose of this manual is to provide users with detailed product information, installation and operating instructions.

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FAQ: Reconnecting Growatt Datalogger to ShinePhone App

Why would I need to reconnect my datalogger?

You might need to reconnect your datalogger if you changed your Wi-Fi provider or network details. This can cause the communication between the datalogger and the app to be lost.

Do I need a ShinePhone account?

Yes, you need a ShinePhone account to use the app and monitor your inverter data. You can create a free account by registering within the app.

My dashboard shows zero power and zero devices online. What does this mean?

This is a sign that your datalogger is disconnected and not sending data to the app.

How do I find the datalogger?

The datalogger is a dongle attached to the underside of your inverter. It looks like a very large USB stick with an LED light.

How can I add a new datalogger?

If you haven’t added your datalogger before, the app will prompt you to do so on the Plant screen. You can scan the barcode on the datalogger or enter the serial number manually.

My datalogger is already added, but it’s offline. How do I reconnect?

On the Plant screen, tap the plus sign (+) and select “Datalogger list.” Choose the datalogger you want to reconnect and select “Configure Datalogger.”

What connection mode should I use?

The instructions recommend using “Hotspot mode” for reconnection.

How do I put the datalogger in hotspot mode?

Briefly press the button on the datalogger (under the logo or on the side, labeled “key”). You might need to remove a black cap to access the button. Hold it until the LED light turns solid blue.

My phone won’t connect to the datalogger’s Wi-Fi. What should I do?

When prompted, select “Go to set” and connect to the Wi-Fi network with the same name as the datalogger’s serial number. Make sure there are no spaces or special characters in the Wi-Fi password (case-sensitive).

What information do I need to configure the Wi-Fi connection?

You’ll need your home Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and password. Remember, the password cannot contain spaces or special characters and is case-sensitive.

My configuration failed. Why might this happen?

Common reasons include incorrect Wi-Fi password, special characters in the password, or your Wi-Fi network not being on the 2.4 GHz frequency.

Where can I find more help?

The instructions suggest contacting NXTGEN Energy via email or leaving a comment if you can’t get your datalogger connected. You can also visit their website (nxtgenenergy.co.uk) for more information.

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